The Show

Thirty four years ago Geoffrey Giuliano met Larry Kahn at a Boston radio station, while he was promoting his first book, The Beatles A Celebration. They kept in touch and over the years became friends. With a common bond in their mutual love of what we now call classic rock, Geoff and Larry talked about doing a show together which would include rare interviews and tracks with the icons of that fabulous era. It took two more decades and many, many international phone calls to actually make it happen!

In mid 2005 the first show (on John Lennon) was aired by over 100 radio stations in major markets across the US and Canada. Without an opening jingle, or even a name, the show took off. A Paul McCartney special followed and then in December of the same year a tribute to John Lennon on the 25th anniversary of his tragic passing was aired.. Once again this “No Name” two hour series was a hit.

By early 2006 the show was finally christened, “Geoffrey Giuliano’s Roots Of Rock” and six all new specials were slated for air throughout the year. “This is something I’ve wanted since I was ten!” Exclaimed the now 60 year old Bangkok based author/actor/radio host. “But without Larry and KGB it could never have happened.”

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